Be Heard

We are a community of people with a broad range of different experiences and perspectives.  We have brought our collective voices together because we believe that we all have the power to influence and change how people think about and understand mental health.

We want to hear your story and to understand your experiences.  Your story, your voice can change things for you and for other people.  Be part of a collective voice bringing about change in Dorset.  Make your story part of our story.  Together we can make a difference.


Share Your Story

Your story matters.  We can provide ideas, guidance and support to help you share your story.

Share Your Experiences

Your voice has power and can help to shape a different future for our communities and services across Dorset.

Ellie Rose - Dorset Mental Health Forum
Ellie Rose - Dorset Mental Health Forum

Share Your Experience

Your voice has power and can help to shape a different future for our communities and services across Dorset.

Unheard Voices - Dorset Mental Health Forum

Unheard Voices

Expression through creative arts is a powerful way for people to share their experiences and have a voice.

Keep Connected